Would you like to be happier at work?
Would you like to boost the performance of your team at work – whether you’re a manager, or an individual contributor?
I hope you find this post useful in addressing those questions…
1). Motivate your team. Do NOT demotivate them ; – )
Sometimes the best thing is knowing what NOT to do…and then focusing on the opposite of that. Here is practical advice on “7 Ways Managers Motivate and Demotivate Employees.”
2). Change your attitude and boost your happiness at work
This is an insightful piece from Harvard Business Review. Quote: “Three of the most common happiness traps—ambition, doing what’s expected of us, and working too hard—seem productive on the surface but are harmful when taken to the extreme.” Read the full story on “Happiness Traps.”
3). Get enough sleep, if you want to be healthier and smarter
I’m a big fan of UC Berkeley’s Dr. Matthew Walker. He notes: “Human beings are the only species that deliberately deprive themselves of sleep for no apparent gain.”
Listen to the entire fascinating interview.
And if you need more convincing of the importance of sleep, please check out this insightful and well-researched article, “The 21 Health Benefits For Sleeping”.
4). Learn secrets of Silicon Valley teams
I recently conducted a newer, 3-hour version of my workshop “Secrets of Silicon Valley Teams: From Dysfunction to Peak Performance.”
Some of the written feedback:
- “We covered a lot of what it means to create a great team.”
- “Smart and clear framework. (Also concise)”
- “Better than expected. Thought it would be more ‘motivating speaking’ – was actually more relaxed, easy to implement, practical.”
- “Nice coherence between life and work.”
Learn more about this workshop.
5). Inspiration
“I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”
Ralph Nader
American political activist
Take care,
[ I sent this post as my regular newsletter email on November 2, 2017.]
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