Jim McCarthy

Interview with Healthier Podcast’s Reena Jadhav

Reena Jadhav interview of Jim McCarthy

I was delighted that the amazing Reena Jadhav chose to interview me for her podcast, entitled Healthier! She’s smart, charismatic, and asked insightful questions about my new book, Live Each Day: A Surprisingly Simple Guide to Happiness. Get copies for yourself, your organization, or your clients today.

Listen to the interview on iTunes.

Listen on Soundcloud.

Reena is on a mission to uncover the latest breakthroughs and products to help you live a longer, healthier, and happier life. She is a very successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and survivor of two life-threatening illnesses.

“New Health Pyramid” and Healthbootcamps.com are her small contribution to solving our very big health crisis. The podcast’s mission is to help you and millions more unleash better health, naturally!

For more videos on how to create your happiness and live each day to the fullest, just check out my YouTube channel